Down by the Bay…

It's been a long time waiting for this beautiful milky end-of-summer light and I'm so thrilled to have captured this light with Shannen and her crew of beauties.  Shannen contacted me almost a year ago, having seen my work through a mutual friend.  Turns out, she also attended the same highshcool as one of my very best friends.  It's a small world after all….

A few of my favourites below from last week's session at Centennial Beach, Boundary Bay

Two of  kind
Twin Heartbreakers Wyatt + Cypress



I've got a handful of these with her face in focus
but I am hopelessly in love with the blurred one

Possibly one of my Top 10 Faves of the year

The most beautiful backdrop for the loveliest little family 




Wren Verona

After all the editing and compiling the photos for this post together, I'm at a loss of where to begin with Little Miss Wren.  I've known the Schmidt sisters since Grade 8.  Like many other girls, we were shuffled against our will to attend Little Flower Academy, an all girls Catholic school.  Yes.  I'm one of THOSE girls…  The girls that attended Blessed Sacrament Elementary were a tight crew and I was introduced to Ashley Schmidt via a number of her friends.  I was intimidated by her height and how she loved to play pranks on her friends.  Her sister, Nicole, 2 years older terrified me all through high school.  Ashley and I have continued to be friends after all these years, growing much closer in the last few.  It was only until Nicole gave birth to her first little guy, Rook, 3 years ago, that we began to hang out and I learned she was much less terrifying and a lot more hilarious.

I am so grateful to have such wonderful and loving friends in my life and I'll say it a million more times, I am so honoured to photograph their life milestones and growing families.   It's so special to be able to see such a long time friend welcome their first baby into the world, to share that love and wonder with them, to see the features of a face you've known forever suddenly appear in a brand new miniature version, and to see their heart transform before your very eyes as they fall in love with this tiny little person.

It is insane the things first time mothers do during their last weeks of nesting, Ashley and Ivan handmade this beautiful bird mobile.


Beautiful Wren

I look forward to seeing you grow up
and to count the many ways you will be like your Mama.




Mini Cali Vacay

Thought I'd share a few photos from our weekend trip to visit my sister in Cali.  We stayed at in San Diego at a beach house to be closer to Lego Land where we would be taking Moses on his birthday the following day.  It was so beautiful!  Sadly, it was cold and windy on the day we arrived and did not get the opportunity to hit the beach and waves.

The rest of our time was spent relaxing at my sister's home.  The kids got to spend quality time with their fave Auntie, and when they were not, you could find them in the hammock, building legos or mesmerized for hours in front of the television.  It was a rough week of weaning them off when we returned home!  

And next year we will have a 5 month old baby


Beach Bump with Alvaro, Stephanie + Emilia

It was a sunny afternoon when my cousin Nik introduced me to Stephanie at The Beach Grove Cafe here in Sunny Tsawwassen.  It was 2010 when our bellies met, Stephanie pregnant with her first, Emilia, and I pregnant with my second.  We drove into Vancouver on Saturdays to attend Prenatal Yoga and 4 years later here we are with our daughters in the same dance class and once again... both pregnant!  She is due in two weeks and I am 9 months behind her.  We seized the beautiful sunny weather and headed to Centennial Beach for an evening Family Session.  

These last days as a trio are coming to a close and, soon, will be nothing more than a distant memory.  As my family will soon grow from 4 to 5, it was a beautifully surreal experience to capture some memories of their last days as a family of 3.  As difficult as it is to imagine what the mysterious little newcomer will bring to the family, it quickly becomes just as difficult to imagine your family living without this tiny new life.