Portrait Session with Coco Cake!

JOY OF JOYS!!!!!  My dear friend, Lyndsay, Queen of Coco Cake Land, received her last of her 17 Herceptin IV Treatments at the Cancer Agency last week!  It was heartbreaking to watch this wild spirit be kicked down so hard, but you can bet she fought back as hard as she could.  In her lowest of lows, whether feeling physically ill from treatments or feeling insecure and vulnerable in appearance after shaving her long dark locks, she wrote honestly about her experience complete with her hilarious sense of humour.  And if you don't already follow her, she also kept up this silly cake business...  As a creative soul, this doesn't surprise me.  Now, at the end of what has been a nightmare of a year, things are looking up.  She made this cake in celebration of her freedom and wrote a beautiful entry to go with it which you can find HERE.

Lyndsay called on me last month for some new headshots and decking-the-cake shots.  As usual, we had a fun time joking around as we moved from room to room, trying out different ideas.  I feel so humbled and undeserving to be called on by such an amazing person whom I idolize in an entirely new way.  Not only was she born a super cool dude, but she is now one badass mutha after this last year and a half of living with cancer.  Lyndsay you are truly one-of-a-kind.  Aside from your effortlessly cool style, your sense of humour always has me doubled over and plays perfectly into your creative work, you are so very kind and generous, and you have a mouth almost as bad as my own.  (I also feel like we are perhaps drawn to one another by our love of bright crazy lipsticks and blunt bangs... maybe?)  Thank you for being you.  It is so good to have you back and I absolutely can not wait to see what you've got up your sleeve for us!


The Krasovecs

Took a break from my own crazy family life to photograph the sweetest beginning to another family's crazy life-to-be.  The Lower Mainland is a small area, smaller than we think.  Chelsea found me through a co-worker who just happens to be a very good friend of mine that I have photographed many times and whose sister I photographed last Fall with the arrival of their first baby, Bowen.  It turns out Chelsea already knew me as we went to high school together!  Of course, she remembers me as the Asian girl who made out with her boyfriend (and now husband) at the bus top ALL THE TIME, but now we have 3 kids so it's all good.  Ha!

Sometimes I get caught up in the studio set up trend of modern day Anne Geddes photos.  It's hard not to with the beautiful even lighting and the many props on hand, but I need to constantly remind myself that it isn't how I enjoy creating memories.  I love capturing babies and families in their home, in the natural light that is part of their everyday environment, especially during these precious early days.  I loved this session, and not just because it had great light in numerous rooms.  It was great energy and I was over the moon to be holding a teensy tiny newborn all over again...

Welcome to the world, Pierce!


Thank you Chelsea and Aaron for a wonderful afternoon!
Can't wait to share the rest of these photos with you!




Wren Verona: 6 Months

Life has been quite the blur since the arrival of our Littlest O'Brien but it's also been a whirlwind of joy and gratitude for all the love that has been showered on us from friends and family.  We've had an enormous amount of generosity in the form of meals (fresh and frozen), babysitting, cleaning + tidying, renovations, gifts and hands-me-downs and everything in between.

Our winter has been its usual mix of everything: grey rainy skies, frozen clear days of rolling blue sky, warmer overcast days, and occasionally a beautiful sunny day reminiscent of early Fall.  We had a spoiled visit of cozy chicken soup and gluten free treats from my high school friend Ashley, and with the sun just pouring into our home, there was no amount of "tired" that could stop me from taking a few snaps of Little Wren and her balmy blue eyes.

Wren - Newborn

Wren - 3 Months

I was blown away how much she had groans since her last visit which was only a few weeks ago when Ash and Nicole came to meet Feather for the first time.  My heart went into panic mode realizing how different Feather will be in 5 months time and, after having two kids, knowing how fast those 5 months are going to pass.  Feather will be sitting up, laughing, trying solids, rolling around and being a little menace with his rowdy older siblings.


Chloe jumped in for a few shots with her little buddy

How fast time is flying.  

These little beauties are going to be rebel teenagers before we know it.




Down by the Bay…

It's been a long time waiting for this beautiful milky end-of-summer light and I'm so thrilled to have captured this light with Shannen and her crew of beauties.  Shannen contacted me almost a year ago, having seen my work through a mutual friend.  Turns out, she also attended the same highshcool as one of my very best friends.  It's a small world after all….

A few of my favourites below from last week's session at Centennial Beach, Boundary Bay

Two of  kind
Twin Heartbreakers Wyatt + Cypress



I've got a handful of these with her face in focus
but I am hopelessly in love with the blurred one

Possibly one of my Top 10 Faves of the year

The most beautiful backdrop for the loveliest little family 

