It's been 2 years since I took photos of our last family swim. You can never see how your kids will grow older, you can barely fathom the thought of them ever being older than they are at any given moment. 2 years later, they've grown into their teeth or their teeth have grown in, their hair is 5 inches longer or 5 inches shorter, their bodies have trimmed off more baby fat, and one of them is half a head shorter than you while the other grew 2 heads taller...
life has been busy... seemingly in 5th gear since the end of April.
it's been great, workwise. we were able to pay our monthly bills and managed to save enough to cover the dreaded PROPERTY TAX. of course that means, everything else is frantic as we try to juggle the rest of our life.
summer is here. in fact, it is half-over now. tomorrow is August 1st, BC Day weekend is around the corner once again. with so many projects on the go (including our own home projects...), we haven't had any time for any quality family time outside of having dinner together. i've soaked up the sun at Centennial a bunch of times this summer already, but only in the morning/early afternoon when the tide was way way out. aching for that warm ocean water, i shooed us out of the house after dinner for the first ocean swim of the year. it was 7:30pm, but it's also summer, and i knew it would be worth it.
it was.
winter was so very very long, i am hanging onto every ray of sunshine and every bead of sweat just so i know i made every bit of summer count when the cold rolls in again.
summer forever