ocean swim

It's been 2 years since I took photos of our last family swim.  You can never see how your kids will grow older, you can barely fathom the thought of them ever being older than they are at any given moment.  2 years later, they've grown into their teeth or their teeth have grown in, their hair is 5 inches longer or 5 inches shorter, their bodies have trimmed off more baby fat, and one of them is half a head shorter than you while the other grew 2 heads taller...

life has been busy... seemingly in 5th gear since the end of April.
it's been great, workwise.  we were able to pay our monthly bills and managed to save enough to cover the dreaded PROPERTY TAX.  of course that means, everything else is frantic as we try to juggle the rest of our life.

summer is here.  in fact, it is half-over now.  tomorrow is August 1st, BC Day weekend is around the corner once again.  with so many projects on the go (including our own home projects...), we haven't had any time for any quality family time outside of having dinner together.  i've soaked up the sun at Centennial a  bunch of times this summer already, but only in the morning/early afternoon when the tide was way way out.  aching for that warm ocean water, i shooed us out of the house after dinner for the first ocean swim of the year.  it was 7:30pm, but it's also summer, and i knew it would be worth it.

it was.


winter was so very very long, i am hanging onto every ray of sunshine and every bead of sweat just so i know i made every bit of summer count when the cold rolls in again.

summer forever



It's going to be pretty interesting to see what life is like in 20 years.  I am in the time of my life where so many friends are starting or growing their families.  Our parents did not have social media to maintain contact with every single person from high school and beyond.  Today, even if we don't hold long conversations or meet up with everyone we have added from high school or post-secondary, we scroll through their life on a daily basis.  We are in a time where we literally are watching everyone's lives every single day, and probably maintain this network long enough to see each other's kids childhood and teenage years.  I don't think we will ever be leaving Tsawwassen in this housing market, so I am constantly imagining how all these kids are going to grow up together in the tiny community of Ladner/Tsawwassen.  How did I get to this?

Ah yes!  Thinking about how long it has been since I have known Steve + Serena.  I met Steve and Serena about a year or two before I had Moses which is a whopping 9 years ago.  Over the past decade, they have been the ones watching me stumble through parenthood. They have seen me and my kids grow together, they have read my ups and downs, and they are hopefully a little more prepared than I was with what to truly expect when you are expecting.  They spent the last couple of years travelling before hunkering down to start their family, and are now proud new parents to Baby Munroe.  

As is always the case, I was thrilled to photograph them in these early days of parenthood and I am excited to follow them on their journey!


Congratulations!  Welcome to the club!

Baby Wren

My last family session of 2017 was with a sweet trio I met through my cousin Nik.  They moved up the road and across the Tsawwassen/Point Roberts border into a sweet little rancher to start this new period of their lives.  Like us, they moved into a new place with a new baby and renovations to be had.  This pushed our newborn session to a 3 months old session which, honestly, was just as delicious.  At 3 months, new Mamas have developed a system and babies have plumped up into juicy morsels asking to be bitten all over...

I met them in their new home on a beautiful sunny afternoon the first week of December.  Everyone was in a cheery mood, including little Wren who was all big shiny eyes and bubbly gurgles of laughter.  It's hard to know these days are gone for me.  After waiting what seemed a lifetime for babies, I have somehow already birthed 3 and they are all no longer these tiny helpless creatures covered in down with sweet breath.  It is a wonderful thing to be able to revisit this preciousness through my work and I am so grateful to pour my hindsight into creating memories that will shine through the foggy memories as they grow older.

A select few from this warm cozy collection...

Holiday 2017 Moments

It's that time of the year where I scramble to catch up to all the December work that got lost in the depths of Christmas and New Year's only to collide with re-settling back into our regular school and work schedule.  Thank you to this year's Holiday Session Crew for allowing me to create some very sweet and very hilarious and very memorable moments of you and your loved ones to look back on as the years go by.  I hope every enjoyed the last weeks of 2017 and that 2018 has already brought about some refreshing energy and excitement!

A few of many favourite moments from this year's Holiday Sessions...

For what it’s worth... it’s never too late, or in my case too early,
to be whoever you want to be.
There is no time limit. Start whenever you want.
You can change or stay the same.
There are no rules...

We can make the best of the worst of it.
I hope you make the best of it.
I hope you see things that startle you.
I hope you feel things you’ve never felt before.
I hope you meet people who have a different point of view.

I hope you live a life you’re proud of, and if you’re not,
I hope you have the courage to start over again.
— F. Scott Fitzgerald

Good words to keep in mind for 2018

The Boisvert Family

It's times like these that I am so grateful for my flexible schedule as it is very convenient for spontaneous sessions!  I received the text just after Noon when the sun was out and shining.  By the time 330pm rolled around, I was sitting in the car laughing as a total downpour crashed over the van.  I drove out to Diefenbaker to see how dry it was beneath the trees since it was too risky to try our luck at the wide open beach.  The skies cleared and we were treated to breaks of late afternoon sun and cloud.  With my own family of 5, it comes in handy to know what to expect when all 3 kids have their own secret agenda and to know when to let kids run free and when to corral them back.  I just hope that I continue to be able to read children as mine get older!

So thrilled will how these turned out!  Loving the variety and loving the energy!


