Jessie Koop, the littlest sister of the Koop Sister Trio from my childhood days has become a mother. I've said it many times before and I'll say it again, photographing the growing lives of people I have known from a very young age is definitely one of the most special perks of being a photographer. Caitlin, was the middle sister with whom I attended school from Kindergarten to Grade 7. She was the nice girl that everyone wanted to be friends with. We were besties in our later years and she and her sisters attended the same high school with my husband. Both sisters would save me a seat on the bus when it came to my stop from Vancouver to Richmond. And now little Jessie, just a few years younger than I, is all grown up, married and a new Mama to a beautiful baby girl: Audrey Harper Steele, born May 22. Here are a few of the belly photos we took with her and Dave at Gary Point before their newest arrival.