Alex + Sarita

I had so much fun shooting this adorable pair of human beings!!!  The internet has gifted me with some of the coolest friendships, including this beautiful goofball of sunshine, Miss Sarita. These friendships are exciting and mysterious, falling in love with people you have never met in person but feel like you know so well after months of connection and laughter.  It's cool to physically meet them and feel the presence of that same spirit you have connected with just through photos and words.  I gotta say, I was really stoked when Sarita asked me to photograph her with her long-distance beau, Alex, who was visiting Vancity for their one year anniversary.  Up until this point, these intimate sessions have been exclusively family, young parents, or occasionally newlyweds.  This was my first time shooting a couple still fresh in their relationship, full of all that honeymoon goodness, and it was so deliciously fun!  We met in my old stompy grounds of Mount Pleasant, the area of my young and stupid days, drinking more than sleeping days, barely considering consequences days of yore... It is always a bittersweet visit but I was distractedly excited for this session as we would be meeting specifically at the new Andy Dixon mural that went up this summer for the mural festival.  If you don't know Andy Dixon, do yourself a favour and check out his work and join the rest of us in being obsessed HA!  We got in trouble trying to climb a building to get some shots and I laughed as Sarita pulled a ME and sweetly begged the guy to let us just have a couple shots.

Ok, too much talking.  Photos.  



A huge thank you to all my 2015 clients for making this year the best one yet!  I had a blast capturing some stellar moments for you and your loved ones (kids, babies, and fur babies!).  It was extra special getting to do these sessions in our new home, and with so many familiar faces no less.  

This is my 4th year of Holiday Sessions;  4 years ago, I was working part-time as a cashier at Thrifty's.  A friend had requested I do some family photos for her at the end of summer and it was then that I decided to quit my cashier position and try my hand at becoming a photographer.  These Holiday Sessions were my very first gig as part of a Fundraiser at my kids' preschool, the gig that started them all!  I've come a long way and I have learned so very very much!  A couple of you have been a part of these Holiday Sessions since the beginning and for that, I truly truly thank you for your faith and support each year!  Many of you I have known for years, some a lifetime, and still others whom I am just getting to know.  The best part of my job is becoming part of your life, not just documenting you and your loved ones' physical existence at a specific moment in time, and not just capturing a pretty picture to share on social media, but capturing your joy and your spirit.  I want my photos to be your favourite photos, the ones that you look back on time and time again as the years go by and we all get a little wiser; the ones that make you smile without fail because the feelings keep rushing back.  I do my best to do for you what I do for myself with my family.  In fact, many of you may as well be my family at this point, HA!  Time to wrap up here...  

It was really difficult to choose just one photo from each session (seriously, it's taken me 2 days of editing a few different photos and changing my mind a million times…) but here they are in order from first to last!  Hugo gets two because his peacock walk is the perfect way to end this hahahha





Erin + Rahim

A few favourites from a sweet and intimate wedding reception for Erin, Rahim and their immediate family members.  The celebration took place on Mother's Day at The Yew Restaurant in the Four Seasons' Hotel in Downtown Vancouver.  



Thank you for allowing me to contribute to your special day!



Jessie + Dave

Jessie Koop, the littlest sister of the Koop Sister Trio from my childhood days has become a mother.  I've said it many times before and I'll say it again, photographing the growing lives of people I have known from a very young age is definitely one of the most special perks of being a photographer.  Caitlin, was the middle sister with whom I attended school from Kindergarten to Grade 7.  She was the nice girl that everyone wanted to be friends with.  We were besties in our later years and she and her sisters attended the same high school with my husband.  Both sisters would save me a seat on the bus when it came to my stop from Vancouver to Richmond.  And now little Jessie, just a few years younger than I, is all grown up, married and a new Mama to a beautiful baby girl: Audrey Harper Steele, born May 22.  Here are a few of the belly photos we took with her and Dave at Gary Point before their newest arrival.