Mother's Day Generation Session Prints Ordered!

I had two lovely families book with me for the Mother's Day "Mama & Me/4 Generations" Sessions back in May and just finished editing and placing the order for their favourite images.

It seems I have a very soft spot for grandparents and great-grandparents and there really is nothing like seeing 4 generations of female lineage together in one photo.  You don't get that portrait very often and it's definitely the sort of photo that will be treasured and shared with future generations for... well forever!  Both sides of my family have black and white family portraits taken from back in China & the Philippines and ever since I was young, I would repeatedly scour the musty sticky fading albums piled together when visiting my grandparents' homes.  I was probably the only relative on both sides that loved losing myself in the photographic history of my parents' early life and childhood.  It probably didn't hurt that I have always had a thing for all things vintage...  For example, finding boxes of my aunts' original 70's bellbottoms and 6"  platforms fully intact was like winning the Set for Life lottery.  My desire to capture 4 generations together is no doubt inspired by these vintage family photos that I, myself, have treasured from an early age.

My first session was with fellow local photographer Krista Ewert.  Please check out her work, she has quite the lovely and impressive eye!  Krista brought along her mom, her grandmother, and her sweet little daughter, Ella, filling in the 4 spots for each generation!  

It could not have been a nicer session with such a great group of gals.  Really, there is nothing like seeing your little one with the mother and grandmother that raised you.  I love seeing the similarities trickle from one mother to another, blending and mixing with new genes to create a new and unique individual.  

Karin Ho was my second client and happens to go way back to my elementary school days.  We attended both elementary and highshcool together, not close friends, but friendly acquaintances.  She was one of the handful of elementary classmates that attended my Father's funeral.  She remembered him from our childhood days.  

Sadly, however, it was now my turn to help her through family loss.  Her mother had passed last year and her grandmother is presently ill with both Cancer and Alzheimer's.  She came to me wanting photos with her mom's sister and her mom's grandparents.  Of course, I said yes.  

What an honour to be able to photograph this tender moment in time for such a long time acquaintance.  What an honour to give them this gift.  It's sessions like these two that really drive home our purpose in life.  Bring joy to others.