How is it going! My name is Stephanie or Phanie (whichever you choose or whomever I was introduced to you as...), it's a pleasure to meet you!
FIrst things first, I already have another blog going: The Gang of Four. it's been around since 2009. It's a modern diary of my life touching on motherhood, friends & family, FOOD, my creative works, and the things that inspire me. Be warned, I'm a Cancerian: sensitive and moody! However, Dear Reader, as you will notice, that same sensitivity and fluctuation of moods provides me the perfect inspirational springboard to produce 100 shades of emotions through my photos. I do my best to capture life as it happens, the small things and those half second moments that I know I will cherish in the next week, month, and years to come. You only get one life and I intend to savour it as much as I possibly can. WHAT IF I GET OLD? WHAT IF I SUFFER BLUNT HEAD TRAUMA? WHAT IF I CAN'T REMEMBER ANYTHING? I will have a million photos of my life to turn to as will my children and their children and their children (if photos are still a thing at that point...)
This blog here is more of a tumblr of sorts with my latest news, recent projects and fave photos of the day or week, depending on how much time i have to squeeze in ANOTHER blog into my busy schedule!
A little less personal and drowning in emotion, but a great way to keep up with what's going on in terms of imagery and creation here at The Pauhaus.
Welcome and Enjoy your stay!
xoxo Phanie Pack