I might have to start an LFA Alumni tag for the blog soon! I've got another family session this weekend with an old classmate. I really fought my parents on going to LFA when the majority of my friends went East to St Pat's, but I must admit, being at an all-girls school was pretty terrific and having made friends with so many great women, it's a blessing to be able to meet and capture their mini-me(s)! To have memories of so many heart-to-hearts, fun-but-bad decisions, falling outs, or even calling up the girl who sat behind/beside you for 5 years because she was Chiu and you were Chan and she was really good at math and you were not, and then to take photos of them 15 years later is pretty special. Pamela Chiu is so up there on memories of highschool although we ran in different circles. I'm probably giving myself a bad reputation as a Baby Floosy, but I really love Avery. We were buddies right away because all Asians look the same, so it was super easy for me to pretend to be her mom!
Jokes aside, photographing Alumni offspring is the best. Seeing glimpses of your old-time buddies resurface in chubby yummy form and to see these old-time buddies smile with so much joy in their heart is like being magically transported to Candyland. Jason, you're alright too :P