Art Club was super excellent. I was ahead of the game so most of my stress was concentrated within the weeks leading up to March 1, coming up with fresh ideas, testing them out with Chloe and then photographing them to add to the page of Classes. After two years, it feels like I am developing a groove, which is an amazing feat for someone who struggles with organization. I'm really happy and really proud of myself for how much better I managed this year than the past sessions. I am in the process of coming up with projects for a weekly 5 session go to see how that schedule will work and I am super stoked for the projects I have so far!
I can't thank everyone enough for their support and participation in this new creative venture. Thank you for sticking it out along with all the little bumps here and there, thank you for the faith and encouragement and enthusiasm, I hold all of it very close to my heart. I absolutely could not do these classes without attendees so thank you for filling my home with your avid little artists.
Here are a few quickies from Spring Break Art Club, please feel free to check out the ENTIRE GALLERY (as well as all our past sessions) on our WORKSHOPS page HERE.