We are in the second half of summer and filling our weeks up with Art Club sessions! Emily has been so kind as to host these fun creative adventures at School House Farm, providing a beautifully inspiring and open space for our energetic artists. The week kicked off with Abstract Acrylic Painting on Canvasses, followed by our Gift Wrap session, and ending with Indigo. I was really excited for the new Gift Wrapping session (I'm probably going to renamed it That's A Wrap because I'm just into fun names for things...) which turned out super fantastic!!! I will definitely have to get my hands on a few more Pom Pom makers as those were definitely a favourite by far. The Acrylic Painting always puts me on edge because of the permanence and all the accidental squeezing too much paint or possible end game of BROWN FROM MIXING ALL THE COLOURS, but as you will see, they all turned out uniquely awesome in every way. Indigo was indigo, a lot of impatience and aversion to the smell, but inevitably always worth the end product!